MSI - Action! An Adventure in Movie Making

Museum of Science and Industry | Chicago, IL | 2008

What It Was

Action! An Adventure in Moving Making was a exhibit at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago that allowed visitors to experience the moving making process. Working in partnership with Paramount Pictures and leaders in the motion picture industry, Lightswitch provided the lighting for an immersive experience in two parts. The first is a gallery guiding the guest through the process of bringing a movie from concept to release. This gallery was rich with artifacts loaned by industry giants, everything from movie scripts to props and costumes from films including Star Wars, Titanic, Seabiscuit and Spiderman. The second half of the exhibit puts the guests right in the middle of the action in a working soundstage. The guests can either watch or participate as the magic of the movies unfolds on three large sets.

What We Did

Working with an eye on the bottom line, Lightswitch designed a lighting system that looked, felt and functioned realistically in the soundstage. We also treated fragile artifacts in the gallery carefully to ensure items were not damaged by light levels while on loan to the museum.

Why It Worked

Movie lighting has a style and design vocabulary all of its own. By focusing on a design that is 'authentic', lighting plays a key supporting role in ensuring this critically acclaimed exhibit gives the guest a true taste of the magic of the movies. Lightswitch received a Themed Entertainment Association (THEA) Award for this project.