Intel ISMC 2011

California | 2011

Lightswitch collaborated with Pedersen Media Group, and Rick Goodwin Designs on the lighting design of the project taking place in the Anaheim Convention Center Arena.

What It Was

Intel’s anual meeting of its international sales force convened in Anaheim, California to celebrate a record year, and to plan for the future.

What We Did

Lightswitch collaborated with Pedersen Media Group, and Rick Goodwin Designs on the lighting design of the project taking place in the Anaheim Convention Center Arena. In addition to the colossal stage , we designed a canopy of color-changing lighting that reached out above and around the audience to envelop them in a completely activated environment. Pixel mapping video content to this array of lights brought the environment to life and integrated it to the various multimedia presentations throughout the multi-day meeting.

Why It Worked

The cavernous venue became more intimate and the audience more connected to the stage by the converging lines of colored lights. The integration with main screen video presentations extended the effect beyond the borders of the screen and created a spectacular result for the main stage of the conference.