
Broadway | | 2006

Lestat was a Broadway musical produced by Warner Brothers Theatrical Ventures, a division of Warner Brothers pictures.

What It Was

Lestat was a Broadway musical produced by Warner Brothers Theatrical Ventures, a division of Warner Brothers pictures. The show was based on the story of Anne Rice's characters paired with the music of Elton John and Bernie Taupin. Lestat played the Curran Theater in San Francisco and the Palace theater in New York city, setting box office records in San Francisco and receiving two Tony Nominations in New York.

What We Did

Lightswitch collaborated with the rest of the celebrated design team to create the unparalleled multimedia experience. The concept of the show revolved around the art of Dave McKean and it was the job of Lightswitch to interpret and realize the artist's vision. Working with as many as 12 DLP projectors and media servers Lightswitch collaborated on a show that was absolutely visually stunning. Projection, lighting and physical elements of the production blended seamlessly to create the stage pictures.

Why It Worked

The show was a complete collaboration of all parties. Lightswitch paired with the most creative theatrical designers to create the look of Lestat. The look was unlike anything that was ever attempted on the Broadway stage and Lightswitch and the projections were at the center of the design.