Nokia E3 exhibit 2006

Los Angeles | 2006

The lighting was designed to support the clean look of the booth this year.

What It Was

The Nokia booth at E3 has been known for live entertainment, and hourly competitions. Following the success of previous designs, Nokia decided to take a completely different direction. They wanted to create an atmosphere that encouraged patrons to sit, relax, stay as long as they'd like. The lighting was designed to enhance this approach.

What We Did

The lighting was designed to support the clean look of the booth this year. We designed a different theme for each day of the show, from corporate color washes to a “fuego” day in rich reds, magentas, yellows and oranges. We also used the Kinesis system of moving, undulating truss. Each of the 5 truss pieces were covered in Mac 300 (LED modified) fixtures, programmed to move with the truss.

Why It Worked

This fun show tested the patience and programming abilities of our staff. We ran the sequences over and over- each time altering various cues here and there to perfect the focus of each movement and make sure the effect was not distracting. The clean look and directed lighting effects made the booth a popular oasis among the visual sea of the Expo.