Subaru North American Auto Shows 2017-2019

Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, Chicago | 2017-2019

What It Was

Subaru of America built a new display for their North American Auto Shows that was in line with their new global motor show design guidelines.

What We Did

Working with EWI Worldwide and PRG, Lightswitch specified built-in lighting elements integral to the exhibit architecture. These elements created a streamlined system to simplify setup and touring capabilities. We also designed an extensive theatrical lighting program for public shows and press events in Los Angeles, New York, Detroit, and Chicago auto shows. We ensured that each individual program was in compliance with client design guidelines, while also taking the locally available equipment into account. This approach created a unified lighting program that was also uniquely adaptive to the specifics of each show and venue.

Why It Worked

As the lighting designer for every iteration of the exhibit, we were able to ensure consistency across all Subaru auto show experiences in the major North American markets. The built-in lighting elements allowed for a cleaner, more architecturally-integrated look while also reducing install and dismantling time and improving cost-efficiency. Overall, our high level of quality control and a familiarity with the client’s design objectives made the multi-year program both a creative and logistical success.