Infiniti NYIAS 2012

George P. Johnson | New York | 2012

Lightswitch designed exhibit and event lighting for the show.

What It Was

Infiniti rolled out its latest luxury automobile at the 2012 New York International Auto Show, the best-attended show in the country. CEO Carlos Ghosn personally introduced Infiniti’s new LE Concept at a live and streaming press event. The sleek, battery-powered concept car embodies the brand’s commitment to both sophistication and sustainability.

What We Did

Lightswitch designed exhibit and event lighting for the show. To set the stage for the press event, Lightswitch created a multimedia presentation complete with original video and media content that was projected onto the exhibit surround and the covered concept car. Once revealed, the car’s streamlined frame and elegant details were showcased by well-positioned stage lighting.

Why It Worked

Lightswitch’s familiarity with long-time client Infiniti’s brand and standards allowed us to create a design tailored to its specific needs. Our extensive planning and coordination with the event design team resulted in an integrated lighting design that accommodated both the exhibit and press event without compromising the client’s creative and budgetary requirements.