Virgin Galactic Test Flights

Mojave, CA | 2019

Longtime Lightswitch client Virgin Galactic continues their leadership in commercial space tourism with multiple successful test flights of SpaceshipTwo, their groundbreaking space vehicle

What It Was

Longtime Lightswitch client Virgin Galactic continues their leadership in commercial space tourism with multiple successful test flights of SpaceshipTwo, their groundbreaking space vehicle

What We Did

Not every Lightswitch project has a lot of lighting - our work on the test flights for Virgin Galactic has no lighting at all! Instead, we brought our Visual Design and execution skill sets to bear, helping Virgin create bespoke and distinctive daytime experiences for guests, staff and media.

Why It Worked

It’s all about the story, and the experience. Whether using lighting, visual design or a blend of both, at Lightswitch we pride ourselves on a deep understanding of our clients story, and their goals. We are proud to have worked with Virgin Galactic for more than a decade, and helped them tell their story and create remarkable experiences – ‘you are go for flight’!!